Central Maine Commerce Center


Central Maine Commerce Center LLC (Kevin Mattson, developing partner) utilized SJR  Engineering as the land site development consultant for an 18 lot office complex located off Civic Center Drive in Augusta. The complex anchor is the Central Maine Commerce Center, which is one of the largest buildings in Maine. SJR Engineering responsibilities included road design, typical site development on each lot, storm water and erosion control implementation, construction details, and permitting approvals for DEP, MDOT, and the Army Corps of Engineers for the entire project.

Additional sample project resources:

Plan Overview (CMCC_Overall_Site_Plan_Sheet_3.pdf)

Existing Conditions (CMCC_Existing_Conditions_Sheet_2.pdf)

Subdivision Plan #1 (CMCC_Property_Subdivision_Amend.pdf)

Subdivision Plan #2 (CMCC_PLAT_Sheet_1.pdf)

Soils & Watershed (CMCC_Soils_Watershed_Plan_Sheet_14.pdf)

Easement Parcels (CMCC_TAX_RV.pdf)

Erosion Control Plan (CMCC_Erosion_Control_Sheet_13.pdf)

Dept. of Labor Parking Overview (CMCC_DOL_Sheet_1_overview.pdf)

Dept. of Labor Parking Detail (CMCC_DOL_Sheet_2_blowup_Lot_15.pdf)

Traffic Plan #1 (CMCC_Traffic_Plan_1.pdf)

Traffic Plan #2 (CMCC_Traffic_Plan_2.pdf)

Plan Profile #1 (CMCC_Plan_Profile_Sheet_6.pdf)

Plan Profile #2 (CMCC_Plan_Profile_Sheet_7.pdf)

Plan Profile #3 (CMCC_Plan_Profile_Sheet_9.pdf)

Details Sheet #1 (CMCC_Details_Sheet_1.pdf)

Details Sheet #2 (CMCC_Details_Sheet_2.pdf)

Lot 18 Introduction (CMCC_Introduction_to_Lot_18.pdf)

Lot 18 Topographic (CMCC_Lot_18_Topo_Site.pdf)

Building 18 Perspective Overview (CMCC_Bldg_18.pdf)